
Bear brave 2 warf
Bear brave 2 warf

bear brave 2 warf bear brave 2 warf

But the song is well known in the South: in Virginia (TBV 346-53, FSSH 90, SCSM 118-22), West Virginia (FSS 1 10-14, JAFL lviii 75-6), Kentucky (FSKM 8-9), Tennessee (ETWVMB 76, SharpK I 198, FSSH 89), North Carolina (SharpK I 196-9, SSSA 47, BMFSB 2-3, FSRA 33), South Carolina (SCB 142-3), Mississippi (FSM 107-11), and Arkansas (OFS 1 135-40). On this side of the Atlantic it seems to belong especially to the Southern states Barry (BBM 452-3) found a sea captain who recognized Child's C version as something he had heard sailors sing but did not know himself, the two-stanza fragment reported from Wisconsin is confessedly a Kentucky memory, and the two stanzas reported from Michigan (BSSM 53), one about the turtle dove and one giving directions for burial, are merely floating items of folk lyric and do not belong especially to 'Lady Alice' (Bayard has some texts collected in Pennsylvania but does not print them). It appears in Halliwell's Nursery Rhymes of England and in Miss Mason's Nursery Rhymes and Country Songs, and it is reported as traditional song in Hampshire (JFSS III 299-302), a version not belonging to any of Child's five texts though known in America.

bear brave 2 warf

is a sort of counterpart to 'Lord Lovel' " and perhaps it is the simplicity of its sentiment that accounts for its popularity.

Bear brave 2 warf